The most popular movie genre is Horror, Action and Thriller. I was happy with this reply from the most common target audience of 14-17 because these 3 genres fit into our film idea the most. It would have been more interesting if somebody enjoyed Sci-fi a lot as Sci-fi contains supernatural events.
The most popular reason to go to the cinema was advertisement and a friend recommending a film, that was expected due to the amount of young people taking the survey. Stars in the film was quite close behind, I expected this to be higher as teenagers / young adults tend to have actor / actress crushes, I suppose older adults have a preference to films with the types of films an actor does. Reviews was only chosen once which was expected because reviews are usually posted in more adult magazines and newpapers compared to what the age range of the people in the survey would read.
The most popular plot theme in a Thriller film was quite a mixture, excluding supernatural events which I didn't mind because supernatural events is not going to be in our film. Deceptive mind games and Crime / Detective was the most popular answer, I was happy about this because Deceptive mind games is sort of included in our film, Chase / Stalking is also included in our film idea but thankfully that was the third most picked. Our film has a plot with a twist ending which is 4th most picked in joint place with Demolishing another's mental state. I picked these questions because these are the common themes I found when researching the codes and conventions of Thriller genre.
The most seen film was Saw in our survey, which doesn't really fit into our film idea and Saw is noticed as Horror film more than a Thriller. The most next popular is Taken which falls under Chase / Stalking. SE7EN, Shutter island, Alien were all in 3rd place which I was happy about because SE7EN and Shutter Island fit into our film idea the most. I was surprised by the amount of films that people have seen as Thriller is not stereotyped as a genre teenagers / young adults would openly say they enjoy.
Overall, I think my survey was effective for my coursework because I was surprised by some of the responses I got, for example the amount of people who picked Thriller as their favourite genre and the amount of people who have seen the selected Thriller films.