Tuesday, 14 January 2014

First Pitch

On Monday we had to present to our media teacher and the rest of our students in our class our ideas for our Film, we looked presented in our powerpoint:

- What the film is about 
- Production Company 
- Box office of our supporting films 
- Box office to 2 Lionsgate films 
- Popular actors and actresses which are in Lionsgate films 
- Distributor
- Budget and release date 
- Kidnap Research 
- Possible actors (female) 
- Possible actors (male) 
- Our film idea in more detail

 After presenting our powerpoint to the class we received feedback to our ideas. Firstly, we was asked to have a second think about our budget, considering we wanted star power in our film which would require more money than we thought. We was secondly told to go into more research of the stars we really wanted for our film. We decided to use a different male star to the three we reconsidered but we still have not decided on that yet. Another decision was to drop 'teen drama' to our genre as we have expectations of our film to be respected and serious and the teen drama genre do not tend to do that. Film4 has also been dropped from our production and we have decided to just stick to Lionsgate for our production. Lastly, our group needs to rethink about the ending of our plot as not all the group is clear of it and it is a bit messy on how it has been written up.

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