A tray with peaches, corndog and peas in placed on green vinyl floor; the tray may also suggest the film-taking place in school as trays are commonly known for being at school lunchtime. The corndog has ‘Efren Ramirez’ written on it. The next clip backs up my theory as a packed lunch is brought out, a sandwich and a banana. ‘Tina Majorino’ is written on the sandwich. The plates have now stopped again and there is another point of view shot of a ninja blade made out of tin foil, this suggests an imaginative and playful character. The blade has ‘with Diedrich Bader’ typed onto it. The text looks similar to a typewriter font, the blade is then flung out of the shot. The next shot begins with the hands opening a cook with taking out a library slip which says ‘casting by Tony Weith’. The title of the book, which was taken out, is ‘Bigfoot and Me’ which suggests the character likes supernatural topics as he has an interest in aliens and mythical creatures. A second book is opened and another library slip is taken out, this one saying ‘music by John Swichant’, at the top of this library slip the book’s name which was checked out on this slip is ‘Sciences and Centaurs’ which backs up my idea of interests with mythical creatures.
An empty sweet box is placed onto wormy brown carpet, the packet says ‘Edited by Jeremy Coon’. The use of the sweet packet may suggest the character is still childish; the packet is flicked off of the shot. A focus pull is then quickly used afterwards showing a lipbalm with ‘Production Cory Lorenger’, this shows the character is quite nerdy and neat.
Hand drawing of a medieval man is placed in the shot with the flag saying ‘director of photography Mumn Powell’. A second hand drawing is then placed of a medieval woman battling a bird, this drawing has ‘executive producer Tony Weits’ written on it. These drawings are done on lined paper, which suggests that they were quick doodles done in lesson. We are then shown 3 toy cars stucked away with names underneath written in labelling tape. Above this in the same tape is ‘Produced By’.
A protractor, rubber and 3 pencils are placed onto the shot and the pencils are organised carefully by the hands showing that the character may be a bit of a perfectionist. The rubber has ‘written by’ on it and the pencils underneath have ‘Jared Hess’ ‘And’ ‘Jekusha Hess’ written on them. The stationary is then aggressively swiped off the shot.

The music is the same throughout the sequence after the
first three plates. It is a calm acoustic song which could suggest a calm
character. The song says ‘I can tell
that we’re going to be friends’ which could suggest a boy’s first day at
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