Friday, 24 January 2014

Production company design / logo

During Wednesday's lesson we was asked to create a production company and a logo for this production. As a group we decided to make a Thriller production company called 'Silent Studios'. We decided to call it Silent Studios as Thrillers usually do not give away the twist of a film until the end to keep the audience motivated to watch. The use of 'silent' also fits well with our film idea 'Captive' as our film has a big plot twist at the end of the film and isolation is significant part to this film.

These are the two logos we came out with for our production company, we decided to darken the logo to make the text more involved with the image. I like this logo as it's mysterious but can easily be recognised to be more a Thriller or Suspense film. The logo is dark which also connotes that this company is for Thriller films. We decided to use a finger over lips to stereotype secrecy in these kind of films this company produces. The image is quite faint and is not that noticeable unless you are really looking at the logo. The text is meant to look eroded and broken but despite it not looking like that as much as we wanted, I like the text that we have used on our logo.
I made these logos on Photoshop CS6, I found these easy to make as I currently also do Graphics Design in AS so if we come out with a better idea for our logo it wouldn't be an issue to change.

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